Poem – Archippus
Archippus And say to Archippus, “See that you fulfill the ministry that you have received in the Lord.”– Colossians 4:17 Dear son, mount up, hold fast the reins and ride.My child, linger on this gray plain no more.Beloved, the path ahead is not wide.Little one, the long days work lies before. Set your face towards…
Christian Nationalism: Lessons From The Scottish Covenanters
Christian Nationalism: Lessons From The Scottish Covenanters This article first appeared under the title “Lessons In Christian Nationalism From The Scottish Covenanters” on December 12, 2023 at https://heidelblog.net/2023/12/lessons-in-christian-nationalism-from-the-scottish-covenanters/ Christian Nationalism has become something of a Rorschach test. What do you imagine when you hear this phrase? Is it a rallying cry to a glorious future in…
An Easter Poem: Take Me to the Tomb
I was honored to be asked to write another poem for the Heidelblog, this time for Easter. This was my first time writing a villanelle, a form I found to be challenging and purposeful. I love the way the form builds tension through repetition, resolving as the first and third line finally meet as the…
3 Ways Christ’s Resurrection Changes You
3 Ways Christ’s Resurrection Changes You This article first appeared on Core Christianity April 16, 2020 at https://corechristianity.com/resources/articles/3-ways-christs-resurrection-changes-you The accounts of Jesus’ resurrection are more than inspiring stories. They recount a historical event of life-altering magnitude. Jesus died and came back to life. The resurrection proves Jesus was sinless, for if he had sinned, death would…
Does Science Support the Resurrection?
Does Science Support the Resurrection? This article first appeared on Core Christianity April 1, 2021 at https://corechristianity.com/resources/articles/does-science-support-the-resurrection The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the heart of Christianity. The apostle Paul, one of Christianity’s earliest and most important voices argued, “If Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile and you are still in your sins. Then…
From Slave to Missionary: Meet St. Patrick
From Slave to Missionary: Meet St. Patrick This article first appeared on Core Christianity March 13, 2023 at https://corechristianity.com/resources/articles/from-slave-to-missionary-meet-st-patrick It’s a tragedy that many people who hear the name St. Patrick only think of leprechauns, clovers, gaudy green clothes, and imbibing copious quantities of beer. Or, if perhaps they are a bit more historically inclined…