Month: August 2023

  • POEM: A Theologian’s Dilemma

    I enjoy writing poetry because it offers a way for me to connect my head and my heart. When it comes to my faith, and much of life for that matter, I tend to engage primarily with my head, the logical, left brain part of myself. This poem is an attempt to integrate my whole…

  • How Can God Be Love If He Commands Genocide?

    A few nights ago, in the midst of a spirited discussion about faith and morality, my friend made a powerful statement. He said emphatically, “I can’t worship a God who would command his people to go kill all the men, women, and children of another nation.” This is one of the more common objections I…

  • What is Jesus Doing Right Now?

    What is Jesus Doing Right Now? Have you ever thought about what Jesus is doing right now? He ascended to the right hand of God… and then what? What has Jesus been up to since then? The Bible actually tells us that Jesus is doing a lot. He is upholding the universe, ruling over all…

  • POEM: All Things New 

    I wrote this poem as a reflection on Romans 8:18-22. My imagination has always been drawn in by the language Scripture uses to describe nature’s relationship to God. Sometimes creation sings, sometimes it exults, but in this case, creation groans:  All Things New  The warm, still air, gently lulls my senses As I amble beneath…

  • 3 Books That Have Deeply Impacted my Faith

    3 Books That Have Deeply Impacted my Faith There are countless books that have deeply impacted my faith and shaped who I am as a person and a follower of Christ. I’d like to share just a few that come to mind as particularly impactful on me. Perhaps they will be for you as well! …